As we learn more about marine pollution, we can develop better ways to combat the problem. At All Hands Alliance, we want to equip our ambassadors and friends with the best tools to aid in the mission. The Debris Tracker app is a tool to help our members collect data and information about what they’re seeing and picking up. Here’s how it’s done:
First, download the app to your mobile device:
Click here for a device using Apple iOS
Click here for a device using Google Android
Second, set up the app so you’re a signed in as member of All Hands Alliance. There are 47 organizations on the page, so be sure to find our logo, and select All Hands Alliance (shown circled at left). Also, very important: Allow the app to track your location, since geography is a key data point.
Next, on the “Items Collected” page, click the sea turtle button in the middle of the bottom bar to sign in or sign up to create your account (shown at right, indicated with the red arrow).
Now you’re ready to go. As you collect trash or record its presence (depending on current health department recommendations in your area with respect to COVID-19), click the “Add” button next to each type of debris. Or better yet, put your trusty first mate in charge of the app.
Check the rankings and be sure to find your username for All Hands Alliance.
Learn more about the app from National Geographic.